這首歌原創於1970 年代,但到了 1990 年才由英國的UB40 樂團一唱而紅。這其中的曲曲折折我就不在這裡交代了,我沒有義務給大家上現代音樂史,有興趣的人自己去做搜尋,別忘了這裡是資訊爆炸的網路。

1990年當時我在幹麻呢?我當時已做人婦,也初為人母,對人生沒有不切實際的憧憬,但台北市對我而言仍是一個異鄉,我在前夫家永遠像個外人,外地人。聽這首Kingston Town,真讓人有些不切實際的淡淡鄉愁,也讓我偷偷懷念起那個初戀情人。


歌詞中的人,願意放棄全世界,回到小鎮去見當年那位讓他一見傾心,在舞臺上表演的那個女孩...... 嗯,那就是我啊,人家心裡也有同樣的那個男孩耶。 

不過,我可不想放棄全世界只為見他一面,我要當王后,用我的權威把他招喚到我面前,好好打他五十大板,處罰他誘騙清純少女我的初戀。 (去看歌詞吧,典故在裡面。)


這樣想想,還是那位小女孩單戀過的初戀情人好,他就是愛情本身,不是化身...... 因為吃不到。

聽歌吧,與我生在同樣的年代,有著同樣的包袱的你會喜歡的。只是,我不知道你的故事有沒有我的悽慘就是了。初戀雖然美,但總是「談」得悽悽慘慘...... 如果這也算談戀愛的話。





Kingston Town

The night seems to fade,
But the moonlight lingers on
There are wonders for everyone
The stars shine so bright,
But they're fading after dawn
There is magic in Kingston Town


Oh Kingston Town,
The place I long to be
If I had the whole world
I would give it away 
Just to see, the girls at play
Ooh, ooh, ooh

And when I am king,
surely I would need a queen
And a palace and everything, yeah
And now I am king,
And my queen will come at dawn
She'll be waiting in Kingston Town


Oh Kingston Town,
The place I long to be
If I had the whole world
I would give it away 
Just to see, the girls at play
Ooh, ooh, ooh

And when I am king,
surely I would need a queen
And a palace and everything, yeah
And now I am king,
And my queen will come at dawn
She'll be waiting in Kingston Town



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