
當年如花盛開的女孩 Olivia Hussey,今年已經六十三歲了......



當天我沒有驚動他,過了很久才跟他說,那天我也在電影院裡、女主角奧麗薇荷西很美麗...... 他嘲笑我膚淺。我知道他也喜歡我。



ps, 一直到這幾年,馬齒長得夠多了,才知道這歌詞說的是......生命只會一天天的消逝,要對命運之神誠服。愛情裡只有造化與捉弄,你要對愛神伏首。





Love Theme From Romeo And Juliet

What is a youth? Impetuous fire.
What is a maid? Ice and desire.
The world wags on.

A rose will bloom.
It then will fade.
So does a youth.
So does the fairest maid.

Comes a time when one sweet smile,
Has a season for a while,
Then love's in love with me.
Some they think only to marry,
Others will tease and tarry.
Mine is the very best parry.
Cupid, he rules us all,
Caper the cape, but sing me the song.
Death will come soon to hush us along,
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Love is a task and it never will pall.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Cupid, he rules us all.





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